Umbilical-urachal sinus with abscess in properitoneal plane
38 yr male presented with pus discharge from umbilicus and pain.
Ultrasound findings:
• A heterogeneous collection with multiple air pockets measuring 2.4 x 2 x 2.3 cm, volume – 6 cc, noted in properitoneal plane of anterior abdominal wall at midline and at just below the level of umbilicus, posterior to linea alba – Suggestive of abscess.
• Adjacent extraperitoneal fat stranding noted.
• The abscess is seen communicating with the umbilicus through a sinus tract measuring 4.2 mm. Minimal collection with inflammatory changes noted in umbilicus with adjacent subcutaneous fat stranding.
• No evidence of communication with urinary bladder. No evidence of intraperitoneal extension of abscess.
• Features suggestive of Umbilical-urachal sinus (infected) with abscess in properitoneal plane